Swedish born American Grand Prix rider Mette Rosencrantz has returned back to California after closing up her business there in August to relocate to Montreal, Canada, as head trainer at a private yard. However, the project failed and Rosencrantz is now back in the U.S.A.
Rosencrantz moved to Montreal at the beginning of August 2017 to work as a trainer at a private yard. She closed up her business of 27 years at Mill Creek Equestrian Center in California and took her own three horses - Marron, Chrevi's Ramour and Fuego - and two dogs to Montreal
When announcing her decision to move to Canada, Mette stated that "this is not an easy decision, I'm a California girl at heart and soul, having so many clients and friends that I'm leaving behind for now but you never know what will happen in the future!
After her arrival in Canada, Mette said that "it has been a huge change to come here and to leave my friends, clients and daily life behind! It all went so fast, that It's hard to grasp what I did during 2017 and how I ended up in Canada. It's hard when you don't know anyone, don't find your way and are used to a life in LA with daily routines. Maybe it's easier when you are younger."
However after four months Mette decided that the yard was not what she envisaged and has decided to leave. She now trailered her horses first to Kentucky and then decided to head back to California instead of Wellington, Florida.
"Some people are not who you think they are, but coming home to friends and colleagues and knowing my surroundings makes me feel I'm home for sure," Rosencrantz stated about her double move in four months time. "Life is a journey and an adventure and I always wanted it to be that way! There is still wind under my wings so I will continue to fly!"
Photo © Astrid Appels
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