Dancing Boy and Stigma, Danish Dressage Foals of the Year 2010

Mon, 09/13/2010 - 11:13
Danish Warmblood Breeding News

Dancing Boy and Stigma have been proclaimed Danish Warmblood Dressage Foals of the Year 2010. The Dansk Varmblod judges were presented with a very high level of quality at the 2010 Danish Foal Championship held in Vilhelmsborg, Denmark, on 12 September 2010.  The 2010 champion foals of the four categories are:

Champion dressage filly: Stigma (by Tailormade Temptation x Sandro Hit)
Breeder and owner: Lena Nyström, 24799 Genarp, Sweden

The Swedish breeder of Stigma has registered the filly with Dansk Varmblod. Stigma is of outstanding type with very long legs and excellent gaits. The judges rewarded her with 10 for both trot and canter. At the Elite Foal Auction Stigma was sold for 10,200 euro to Hanna Hertzberg, a Dansk Varmblod member from Norway

Champion dressage colt: Dancing Boy (by Dancier x Blue Hors Romanov)
Breeder and owner: Lena and Ulrik Kristensen, 7830 Vinderup

Dancing Boy (pictured left) is a very well develop and masculine colt who fully lives up to his name. This colt is out of the same dam line as the dressage world ranking no. 3 Mistral Højris. The judges described the colt as a long-legged and large-framed foal with a very supple topline and huge capacity in his gaits. His powerful and rhythmic trot earned him a 10 and so did his totally balanced and uphill canter. Dancing Boy became the price highlight at the Elite Foal Auction Saturday night selling for 20,800 euro.

Champion jumping filly: Willcett (by Willemoes x Casir Ask).
Breeder and owner: Lillian and Carl Erik Jensen, 8930 Randers NØ

This charming filly is out of a strong performance dam line which is actually the same dam line as her sire Willemoes, who’s now a breeding sire in the USA. The judges praised Willcett for very supple, efficient and super balanced canter.

Champion jumping colt: Hummels Green Day (by Sir Shutterfly x Aston)
Breeder and owner: Hummelshøj and Højsleth, 9670 Løgstør

This foal is also out of a dam line with very strong performances. The grand dam is the dam of the international jumper and double Danish champion Zamiro (Tina Lund). Hummels Green Day is an expressive and long-legged sporty type with a very well-functioning topline and an excellent canter for which judges gave a 10. This colt was sold as the most expensive jumping foal at the Elite Foal Auction.

Photos (c) Ridehesten.com

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