Court documents in the lawsuit between Paul Schockemöhle and Kees Visser concerning Visser's frozen semen stock have revealed that the stallion sold for 9.5 million euro in the autumn of 2010.
The rumoured sales price for Totilas has varied between 10 and 15 million euro, with a rumoured consensus on 11.2 million euro. However, the court documents now disclosed that the official sales price of the most celebrated dressage stallion in the world was 9.5 million euro.
Horses.nl received the court verdict documents and disclosed the sales price of the stallion.
Judge Struck of the Civil Court in Oldenburg ruled that Visser cannot sell his frozen semen stock. She splits the sale of the stallion from Holland to Germany seperately from the delivery of frozen semen.
In the spring of 2010 Schockemohle paid Visser to have his mares inseminated by Totilas (before the stallion sold to Germany), while after the sale, Visser gave the majority of his frozen semen stock (300 straws) to Schockemohle after the sale. Visser kept 12 straws for private use for his own broodmares.
Visser's lawyers have now appealed the interim injection of the German court which prevents Visser from commercially selling the remainer of his frozen semen stock. They contest the number of straws as well as the limitation for private use. According to Horses.nl, the German judge argued that the frozen semen was part of the sale of Totilas.
If Visser does not abide by the interim injection, which has legal jurisdiction in The Netherlands, he could risk a penalty payment of up to 250,000 euro and a prison sentence of 6 months.
Photo © Dirk Caremans
Related Links
Kees Visser Appeals Court Ruling over Totilas' Frozen Semen
The Court Rules: Schockemöhle Sole Distributor of Totilas' Semen