The Swedish equestrian federation and Swedish warmblood society have kicked off the selection process for the Swedish team selection for the 2016 World Young Horse Championships in Ermelo, The Netherlands. The first two Swedish observation trials have been held in Mantorp on 26 April 2016 and in Flyinge on 2 May 2015.
Three combinations were entered for observation and test riding in Mantorp, whereas eight pairs appeared at the Flyinge observation trial Selectors Bo Jena and Susanne Gielen assessed all combinations.
The participating riders in the first two observation trials were
- Mikaela Alderin - 5-year old Saga N (by Sir Donnerhall x Stanford)
- Mikaela Alderin - 6-year old Bossanova YL (by Bocelli x Lobo)
- ??
- Linn Larsson - 5-year old Corona (by Connaisseur x Weltman)
- Yvonne Österholm - 5-year old Dorina (by Belissimo M x Don Schufro)
- Maj Christin Ehnberg Fogelberg - 5-year old Zappa SV (by Zuidenwind x De Niro)
- Sandra Sterntorp - 5-year old Simmebros Martell (by Insterburg x First Wish)
- Linn Larsson - 5-year old Lanigro (by Bellagio x Amiral)
- Yvonne Österholm - 5-year old Simmebros Bisquit (by Shooting Star x Florestan)
- Maj Christin Ehnberg Fogelberg - 6-year old Rio da Carma (by Skovens Rafael x Jaguar)
- Yvonne Österholm - 6-year old Fiera Girl (by Faustinus x Rubinrot)
The next observation trial and selection moment will be on 2 June in Stromsholm and on 8 June in Flyinge. Riders can also ride themselves in the picture during the Swedish young horse classes (Breeders Trophy) held across the country in April and May.
A short list of combinations will be announced in June and they will compete in the young horse division at the Falsterbo Horse Show, which is the final selection event.
The 2016 World Championships for Young Dressage Horses takes place in Ermelo, The Netherlands, on 28 - 31 July 2016.
Source: Ridsport
Related Link
Eurodressage Coverage of the 2016 World Young Horse Championships