The BHS Training Department continues with their programme of events for 2013 as we go into spring with this year's National Spring Convention at Arena UK, Lincolnshire on Monday 15 April. This convention will be presented by Britain’s foremost FEI Judge and Fellow of the British Horse Society, Stephen Clarke.
Stephens’s career as an FEI Official International Judge has taken him all over the world to all major dressage competitions including World Cup Finals, European Championships, World Equestrian Games and Olympic games including the London 2012 Olympics where he acted at President of the Grand Jury. His most recent achievement is his unanimous election as FEI Dressage Judge General by the 5* Judges present at the annual FEI 5* Judges seminar held in Paris this January.
His role as chair of British dressage’s judges committee affords him the opportunity to influence the development of the judging systems which includes the valuable training and encouragement of both established and new judges in the UK. Stephen regularly holds clinics to pass on his knowledge and experience to riders and coaches alike and is the author of books and training videos on dressage. During the 1980’s and 1990’s he completed successfully both nationally and internationally on his own horses and was reserve rider for the 1988 Seoul Olympics with Beckett.
The Training Department will be inviting riders to apply to be guinea-pigs for this convention during which they will receive tips directly from Stephen. If you would like further details as to the requirements for this years guinea-pigs, please contact Alison Le Fevre, email a.lefevre@bhs.org.uk.
The day is a great opportunity for both coaches, riders, judges and indeed anyone who enjoys dressage to learn from Stephen. Tickets for the convention are priced at £43, £39 for BHS Registered Instructors and are on sale now. To buy tickets please contact BHS Training on 02476 840510 or email training@bhs.org.uk.
This day counts as a Continual Professional Development (CPD) update day for those on the professional BHS Register of Instructors.
Photo © Astrid Appels
Related Links
Stephen Clarke Elected as FEI Dressage Judge General
Stephen Clarke on What to Expect at the 2012 Olympic Games
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