Mexican 5-star judge Maribel Alonso was in the spot to B for the first two days of top level dressage at the 2012 Olympic Games in London and says the competition "went well and smoothly! The level of the sport is amazing and all the riders are trying their best, that is incredible!"
Taking position on the long side of the arena Maribel says the days were full, but somehow the judges managed to stay on top of it!
"Our breaks were short and therefore we just had time to go to the toilet and get back. With live broadcasting the schedule always becomes tighter. Some sandwiches and fruit were taken to our boxes, but I did not feel like eating. I kept myself going on adrenaline, some tea, and plenty of water!"
Meeting with her judging and advising colleagues at the conclusion of day two, Maribel says the discussions were extremely beneficial and that everyone was pleased with the results.
"We had a meeting yesterday where we discussed our differences and points of view. It was all very positive."
Chosen to sit at B Maribel says that she is confident that given the amount of judges and their degree of experience and concentration the team can absolutely award the movements fair and correctly!
"I like being on the long side, in my opinion one of the best spots. Of course, there are movements you cannot see as clearly as from other positions, but that is the reason why we are now 7."
As for the atmosphere of judging her first Olympic event? "Around the arena everybody is just focused on doing their job and trying their very best. Everybody is in an excited state."
While of course judging at the Games is an amazing experience, Maribel says there is so much outside work going into the OLympics to make London 2012 truly special.
"A real highlight of these Olympic Games are the volunteers. From the moment I leave the hotel until the moment I come back every morning, I am greeted with warm smiles and friendly faces. The London crew has been amazing!"
Text by Sarah Warne for Eurodressage
Photo © Astrid Appels
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