Cryozootech announced the birth of E.T.Cryozootech-Stallion, a clone of “E.T.”, a Hanoverian gelding who produced record winning performances in show jumping under Hugo Simon. “E.T.Cryozootech-Stallion” will give the possibility to breeders
to dispose of the castrated “E.T.”’s genes. Birth of E.T.Cryozootech-Stallion’s first offspring is planned for 2009.
In September 2003, Hugo Simon and Eric Palmer, who founded the French company Cryozootech, decided together that E.T. should have offspring. Thus a skin biopsy was carried out on this horse who, at the time, was still participating in competitions. E.T.’s cloning process was started in collaboration with the Texas University, who had already participated with the production of Quidam de Revel’s clone.
E.T.Cryozootech-Stallion was born on 2nd June 2006. Like E.T., he has a stripe and two socks on his hind legs but the fine and side ways stripe on his nose is very different from E.T.’s blaze. On the other hand, the DNA test carried out by the official laboratory LABOGENA has shown the same identical genetic content.
E.T.Cryozootech-Stallion will be registered in the Belgian Zangersheide studbook, which was founded by Léon Melchior. As soon as 2001, Melchior has shown his support to horse cloning, and confirmed it later by registering the first two clones produced by Cryozootech: Pieraz-Cryozootech-Stallion and Paris-Texas, Quidam de Revel’s clone.
Even before his birth, many international breeders, who wish to dispose of this exception genetic, have participated to this project by contributing to set up the syndicate, which is proprietor and managing authority of E.T.Cryozootech-Stallion, and is divided in 200 shares.
E.T.Cryozootech-Stallion will come to France in Cryozootech’s stud where he will progressively during his second year start his work as a stallion and progress to conducting it fully after his third birthday.
Therefore the few mares, which will be inseminated in 2008, will give birth in 2009 to the first generation of foals fathered by E.T.Cryozootech-Stallion.
Cryozootech, founded in 2001 to preserve rare genetic heritage, has realised the above-mentioned projects. Cryozootech is awaiting this summer the birth of Calvaro V clone and next year the birth of Rusty's clone, the great dressage champion. Furthermore, across the world seven orders for clones of sport horses have been taken on behalf on their owners. In total, Cryozootech genetic bank has today the cells of 49 horses.
Photo copyrighted: Cryozootech
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