Even though the 2005 European Dressage Championships in Moscow have been cancelled, the event will take place at a different location and national selection procedures continue.
The Spanish Equestrian Federation announced the Spanish Dressage Team for the 2005 European Championships this week. Members on the Spanish team are:
- Beatriz Ferrer-Salat and Beauvalais
- Juan Antonio Jiménez Cobo and Guizo
- Ignacio Rambla Algarín and Distinguido
- Ignacio Lopez Porras and Nevado Santa Clara
New comer on the Spanish team is Ignacio Lopez, who is, just like Ignacio Rambla, a rider of the Royal Andalusian School in Jerez de la Frontera. Nevado is an 11-year old Andalusian breeding stallion from Stud farm "Santa Clara" near Córdoba, Spain. Lopez replaces Rafael Soto on Invasor. Soto's long-time equine partner Invasor suffers from a hoof problem and is, therefore, replaced by Nevado Santa Clara.
Photo copyrighted: Astrid Appels - Reproduction Prohibited
Eurodressage On The Scene of the 2005 European Championship