2005 FEI Freestyle Forum

The F.E.I.and Performance Sales International (PSI) proudly present the 2005 Dressage Freestyle Forum in the „See-und Sporthotel“ in Ankum, Germany.
Famous choreographers and composers will discuss the progression of the dressage freestyle with top dressage riders, judges, instructors and TV-specialists. FEI Dressage Committee chairwoman Mariette Withages will be the forum director.
The forum fee is 455 euro (ex. 16% VAT) which includes the entrance fee for two days, coffee, tea and soft- drinks, lunch and dinner on Feburary 1, and lunch
on Feburary 2, 2005.
Applications and registrations for this forum have to be sent in by December 1, 2004
The agenda of the 2005 FEI/PSI Freestyle Forum will be announced mid December 2004.