2003 World Cup Finals

2003 World Cup Finals
Goteborg, Sweden
28 - 30 March 2003
Show Coverage
- Grand Prix: Salzgeber On her Way to a Hattrick
- Grand Prix Kur: Ulla Salzgeber Claims Third Consecutive World Cup Title
- Ulla Salzgeber and Rusty, World's Best at 2003 World Cup Finals
- Former Young Rider Finishing Eleventh at 2003 World Cup Finals
- Christian Pläge and Regent, A Fresh Breeze at 2003 World Cup Finals
Doping News
Show Results
- Scores - 2003 World Cup Finals
World Cup News
- Participants for the 2003 World Cup Finals Named
- Helena Larson and Minna Telde Receive Last Wild Cards for 2003 World Cup Finals
- World Cup Ranking Update
- McDonald and Brentina Receive Wild Card for 2003 World Cup Final
- Seidel, Williams, and McDonald to Compete For the USA at 2003 World Cup Finals
- Confusion About Wild Cards 2003 World Cup Finals
Archived Coverage