Scoring the highest in the short grand prix at the CDI-W Paris was Olympic bronze medallist Ulla Salzgeber and her second horse Wall Street. Amongst a field of strong competitors, Salzgeber rode to a decent 72.44% score.
"It wasn't that bad, but I'm not very happy with Wall Street. He could have done much better like at Neumunster two weeks ago," Salzgeber commented.
Paris is Wall Street's second competition after a one-year recovery period. The Russian bred gelding injured himself at the 2000 CDI-W Neumunster and it took him a year to get back into shape. While Neumunster became a splashing come back for the pair (they won the big tour with 77% and 81% scores), Paris raised more difficulties. "The pirouettes were too big, and that's strange because the movement normally gives no problems. Luckily he's a charmer. He's brilliant and can win many points with his extensions and passage," Salzgeber said.
Salzgeber decided to ride the 2001 World Cup Qualifiers because the shows are able to annually raise higher purse which attracts more riders. Rusty stood in for the first few
CDI-Ws but Wall Street is now her current show mount. "I only ride shows because I have such a great horse in Rusty, but actually I prefer training students. That's why I am also a bit sad that I am no longer team trainer of the German Junior and Young Riders. I had to retire because, due to the competitions, I didn't have enough time to guide them anymore," Salzgeber uttured.
Anky van Grunsven is know for her unlimited ambition and desire to win, but in Paris the Dutch lady was quite content with her second place. "This is was Partout's first show after one and a half year rest due to a severe injury, so I'm very pleased with his performance. Everything still has to improve but if everything goes to plan, I could able to participate in the Finals at Aarhus," Van Grunsven noted.
Disney, An Inspiration for Ulla Salzgeber and Wall Street
With a marvellous score of 79.67% in the Kur to Music did Ulla Salzgeber win the last phase of the Paris World Cup Qualifier in Paris-Bercy, France. Performing to Disney music, her elegant Wall Street danced a wonderful test moving the hearts of many spectators. "I was visiting Euro Disney with my daughter when I first heard this music. I immediately knew that this would be the theme for my new freestyle for Wall Street," Salzgeber explained.
Again second was Anky van Grunsven and her Trakehner stallion TCN Partout (by Arogno). The winner of the 1999 CDI-W Paris show had hardly any difficulties putting a score of 77.74% on the scoreboard. "In fact, the principle problem has been me. I was very nervous because I didn't know how Partout would react. I found that it's not that easy to take up competition again at a show as important as Paris. But everything went great and I'm very happy with him," Van Grunsven stated.
Presiding judge at C, Mariette Withages, was thrilled about the improvement that many riders have made in their kur to music. Not only on the level of technique did the pack score better, but the improvement was mainly visible on artistical level. "It was a true feast to see that the artistical level has progressed this much, especially concerning the choice of music and choreography," Withages said.
Both Salzgeber and Van Grunsven have qualified themselves for the finals in Aarhus early April 2001.