2004 CDI-W Maastricht - 9 - 12 December 2004
Prix St Georges
- 1. Alex van Silfhout - Olympus - 70.083% (Holland)
- 2. Peter Gmoser - Rendezvous - 67.583% (Austria)
- 3. Dominique Filion - Les Burga - 67.166% (Holland)
- 4. Imke Schellekens - OO Seven - 66.750% (Holland)
- 5. Isabell Werth - Warum Nicht FRH - 65.916% (Germany)
- 6. Madeleine Vrees - Reduson's Patser - 65.833% (Holland)
- 7. Stephanie Peters - Donna Gracia - 65.083% (Holland)
- 7. Lone Jorgensen - Disco Hit - 65.083% (Denmark)
- 9. Marcel Sterrenburg - Maiko - 64.583% (Holland)
- 10. Joyce Lenaerts - Katell - 63.500% (Holland)
- 11. Sophie Baetens van Lent - Dark Diamant - 63.166% (Belgium)
- 12. Moniek van Dijk - Now I'm Here - 62.000% (Holland)
- 13. Edward Gal - Nourejev - DNS (Holland)
Intermediaire I Kur to Music
- 1. Alex van Silfhout - Olympus - 72.541% (Holland)
- 2. Imke Schellekens - OO Seven - 72.000% (Holland)
- 3. Stephanie Peters - Donna Gracia - 68.258% (Holland)
- 4. Dominique Filion - Les Burga - 68.166% (Holland)
- 5. Madeleine Vrees - Reduson's Patser - 67.541% (Holland)
- 6. Peter Gmoser - Rendezvous - 65.833% (Austria)
Grand Prix
- 1. Hubertus Schmidt - Wansuela Suerte - 72.208% (Germany)
- 2. Heike Kemmer - Bonaparte - 71.916% (Germany)
- 3. Tinne Vilhelmson - Just Mickey - 70.583% (Sweden)
- 4. Sylvia Ikle - Salieri CH - 70.250% (Switzerland)
- 5. Madeleine Vrees - Madorijke - 70.000% (Holland)
- 6. Louise Nathhorst - Guinness - 69.208% (Sweden)
- 7. Sven Rothenberger - Barclay II - 69.083% (Holland)
- 8. Lone Jorgensen - Ludewig G - 69.041% (Denmark)
- 9. Edward Gal - Gribaldi - 68.875% (Holland)
- 10. Carl Hester - Escapado - 68.541% (England)
- 11. Marie Line Wettstein - Le Primeur - 67.125% (Switzerland)
- 12. Richard Davison - Ballaseyr Royale - 67.000% (England)
- 13. Alex van Silfhout - Nimbly - 66.875% (Holland)
- 14. Peter Gmoser - Willibalds Don Debussy - 66.833% (Austria)
- 15. Patricia Callaghan - Joy - 66.541% (Holland)
- 16. Isabell Werth - Anthony FRH - 66.333% (Germany)
- 17. Gina Capellmann Lutkemeier - Amando - 65.875% (Germany)
- 18. Laura Bechtolsheimer - Douglas Dorsey - 65.416% (Engmand)
- 19. Laurens van Lieren - Hexagons Ollright - 64.583% (Holland)
- 20. Anne van Olst - Dexter W - 64.500% (Denmark)
- 21. Stephanie Peters - Jeff - 62.000% (Holland)
- 22. Theo Hanzon - Idar - 60.958 (Holland)
Grand Prix Kur to Music
- 1. Hubertus Schmidt - Wansuela Suerte - 78.550% (Germany)
- 2. Heike Kemmer - Bonaparte - 78.475 % (Germany)
- 3. Sylvia Ikle - Salieri - 77.075% (Switzerland)
- 4. Carl Hester - Escapado - 75.500% (England)
- 5. Madeleine Vrees - Madorijke - 75.400% (Holland)
- 6. Edward Gal - Gribaldi - 74.600% (Holland)
- 7. Tinne Vilhelmson - Just Mickey - 73.300% (Sweden)
- 8. Sven Rothenberger - Barclay II - 73.050% (Holland)
- 9. Louise Nathhorst - Guinness - 72.525% (Sweden)
- 10. Lone Jorgensen - Ludewig G - 72.300% (Denmark)
- 11. Richard Davison - Ballaseyr Royale - 71.775% (England)
- 12. Marie Line Wettstein - Le Primeur - 70.850% (Switzerland)
- 13. Alex van Silfhout - Nimbly - 69.100% (Holland)
- 14. Peter Gmoser - Willibalds Don Debussy - 68.150% (Austria)
- 15. Patricia Callaghan - Joy - 65.075% (Holland)