Metall Sells to Van Uytert and Schockemohle

Wed, 08/24/2011 - 10:39
KWPN Breeding News

The interest in the KWPN breeding stallion Metall has been renewed due to the brilliant performances of Carl Hester's Uthopia (by Metall x Inspekteur) at the 2011 European Dressage Championships. This made stallion station moguls Joop van Uytert and Paul Schockemohle decide to buy Metall in shared ownership from Matthijs Brouwer. 

"We still have to decide on how we are going to do it," Joop van Uytert told "Of course he's back on the map now."

Metall disappeared from the show scene and breeding spotlight many years ago. He competed at small tour level but never made the transition from small tour to Grand Prix. As a young horse Metall was trained and competed by Marlies van Baalen.

Metall has three licensed offspring: Uthopia, Special D and Ufo. A few of his offspring are successful in the dressage arena: They include Scaramouche (Metall x Wisconsin), Uranium W (Metall x Wolfgang) and internationally competed youth riders horses Ucento, Sital and Totall Tip Top.

Metall is born in 1994 and is by Ferro x Ramiro x Marinier. He is approved for the KWPN society and Swedish warmblood society. He has a dressage breeding index of 125 94% (Jazz, for instance, has a breeding index of 189 97%).

Uthopia, who has been approved for KWPN breeding a few days ago, will be available via Gert-Jan van Olst.

Photos © Dirk Caremans

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