Prix St Georges
Judges: Gribbons, Matthiesen, Clarke, Riexinger, Alonso
- 1. Fie Skarsoe - Shy Boy - 69.941 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Kristine Moller - Standing O'Vation - 69.588 (Luxembourg)
- 3. Bernadette Brune - Diary Dream OLD - 68.353 (Germany)
- 4. Mado Pinto - Rafale du Coussoul - 67.412 (France)
- 5. Laureen Poncelet - Andretti - 67.294 (Belgium)
- 6. Remy Issartel - Evita - 66.853 (France)
- 7. Elena Fernandez - Londero von Worrenburg - 66.647 (Switzerland)
- 8. Virginia Yarur - E Rava - 65.618 (Chile)
- 9. Katharina Stumpf - For My Love - 64.824 (Austria)
- 10. Isabelle Pinto - Hot Chocolate van de Kwaplas - 64.088 (France)
- 11. Patricia Coudurier - Falconetti de Merlieux - 62.853 (France)
- 12. Iris Santa Adele Bilardo - Voice - 58.706 (Italy)
- 13. Jacqueline Tonnaer - Captain Fire - 57.529 (Holland)
- 14. Virginia Yarur - Debussy - 52.529 (Chile)
Intermediaire I
Judges: Voser, Saleh, Alonso, Maknami, Du Tranoy
- 1. Fie Skarsoe - Shy Boy - 71.382 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Remy Issartel - Evita - 68.971 (France)
- 3. Mado Pinto - Rafale du Coussoul - 67.618 (France)
- 4. Elena Fernandez - Londero von Worremberg - 66.676 (Switzerland)
- 5. Bernadette Brune - Diary Dream OLD - 63.794 (Germany)
- 6. Jacqueline Tonnaer - Captain Fire - 63.029 (Holland)
- 7. Patricia Coudurier - Falconetti de Merlieux - 62.059 (France)
- 8. Iris Santa Adele Bilardo - Voice - 58.206 (Italy)
- Virginia Yarur - Debussy - DNS (Chile)
Intermediaire I Kur to Music
Judges: Ringmark, Maknami, Clarke, Gribbons, Saleh
- 1. Kristine Moller - Standing O'Vation - 72.600 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Isabelle Pinto - Hot Chocolate vd Kwaplas - 69.975 (France)
- 3. Katharina Stumpf - For My Love - 68.850 (Austria)
- 4. Virginia Yarur - E Rava - 67.425 (Chile)
- 5. Laureen Poncelet - Andretti - 61.275 (Belgium)
Medium Tour - Intermediaire A
Judges: Ringmark, Saleh, Maknami, Du Tranoy, Voser
- 1. Marie Blockx - D'Amour d'Arx - 68.235 (Switzerland)
- 2. Charlotte Chalvignac - Dvina - 67.941 (France)
- 3. Kristine Moller - Hamilton - 67.235 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Birgit Wientzek Plage - Hot Secret - 66.618 (Switzerland)
- 5. Charles Renaud - Danzig W - 65.441 (France)
- 6. Annabel Delsert - Jackpot P - 65.235 (France)
- 7. Virginia Lundin - Benneton - 65.000 (Switzerland)
- 8. Sylvia Gugler - Star of Rubica - 64.235 (USA)
Medium Tour - Intermediaire B
Judges: Voser, Matthiesen, Ringmark, Riexinger, Du Tranoy
- 1. Kristine Moller - Hamilton - 69.675 (Luxembourg)
- 2. Birgit Wientzek Plage - Hot Secret - 69.350 (Switzerland)
- 3. Marie Blockx - D'Amour D'Arx - 65.850 (Switzerland)
- 4. Charles Eduouard Renaud - Danzig W - 65.850 (France)
- 5. Sylvia Gugler - Star of Rubica - 65.600 (USA)
- 6. Virginia Lundin - Benneton - 65.425 (Switzerland)
- 7. Annabel Delsert - Jackpot P - 65.100 (France)
- 8. Charlotte Chalvignac - Dvina - 63.975 (France)
Under 25 - Short Grand Prix
Judges: Saleh, Maknami, Du Tranoy, Voser, Ringmark
- 1. Paul Lautier - Rossini - 67.359 (France)
- 2. Sophia Funke - Diamond Rex - 67.026 (Germany)
- 3. Serene Fumagalli Carloni - Black Panter - 65.026 (Italy)
- 4. Tanya Strasser Shostak - Renaissance Tyme - 61.487 (Canada)
- 5. Morgane Crouail - Zilverster - 61.256 (France)
Under 25 - Kur to Music
Judges: Alonso, Du Tranoy, Viser, Saleh, Maknami
- 1. Paul Lautier - Rossini - 69.875 (France)
- 2. Sophia Funke - Diamond Rex - 66.285 (Germany)
- 3. Tanya Strasser Shostak - Renaissance Tyme - 65.915 (Canada)
- 4. Morgane Crouail - Zilverster - 63.030 (France)
- 5. Serena Fumagalli Carloni - Black Panter - 61.800 (Italy)
Grand Prix
Judges: Clarke, Matthiesen, Gribbons, Riexinger, Ringmark
- 1. Anne Sophie Serre - Vistoso de Massa - 69.326 (France)
- 2. Morgan Barbançon Mestre - Sir Donnerhall II - 69.304 (France)
- 3. Antonella Joannou - Dandy de la Roche - 68.783 (Switzerland)
- 4. Remy Issartel - Dark Pleasure - 68.763 (France)
- 5. Shingo Hayashi - Clearwater - 68.609 (Japan)
- 6. Birgit Wientzek Plage - Robinvale - 68.326 (Switzerland)
- 7. Jill de Ridder - Dallas - 67.739 (Germany)
- 8. Fie Skarsoe - So Dark - 67.609 (Luxembourg)
- 9. Estelle Wettstein - West Side Story - 67.565 (Switzerland)
- 10. Morgan Barbançon Mestre - Bolero - 66.870 (France)
- 11. Caroline Hacki - Rigoletto Royal - 66.826 (Switzerland)
- 12. Estelle Wettstein - Friederich der Grosse - 66.674 (Switzerland)
- 13. Sylvia Gugler - Wera La Sol - 66.217 (USA)
- 14. Marine Subileau - OSado - 65.870 (France)
- 15. Martin Pfeiffer - Rihanna Forever - 65.761 (Germany)
- 16. Roberto Brenna - Fieling T - 64.739 (Italy)
- 17. Carla Aeberhard - Delioh von Buchmatt - 64.674 (Switzerland)
- 18. Barbara Bertschinger - Rubin Cortes - 64.543 (Switzerland)
- 19. Stephanie Croxford - Mr Hyde - 64.304 (Great Britain)
- 20. Nicole Hinkelmann - Lucky von Heslegard - 64.109 (Germany)
- 21. Carlos Pinto - Sultao Menezes - 63.957 (Portugal)
- 22. Alizee Cernin - Douglas - 63.609 (France)
- 22. Nicole Favereau - Ginsengue - 63.609 (France)
- 24. Corinne Salabam Alt - Lord Sinclair III - 63.217 (Switzerland)
- 25. Alexandra Zurbrugg - Get Time - 60.565 (Switzerland)
- 26. Simona Aeberhard - Donna Diandra - 58.696 (Switzerland)
- Cristobel Belmonte - Diavolo de Laubry - ELI (Spain)
Grand Prix - Consolation
Judges: Voser, Matthiesen, Ringmark, Riexinger, Du Tranoy
- 1. Simona Aeberhard - Donna Diandra - 62.065 (Switzerland)
Grand Prix Special
Judges: Riexinger, Clarke, Alonso, Du Tranoy, Matthiesen
- 1. Antonella Jouannou - Dandy de la Roche - 70.234 (Switzerland)
- 2. Jill de Ridder - Dallas - 69.468 (Germany)
- 3. Remy Issartel - Dark Pleasure - 69.277 (France)
- 4. Morgan Barbançon Mestre - Sir Donnerhall II - 69.191 (France)
- 5. Shingo Hayashi - Clearwater - 69.170 (Japan)
- 6. Birgit Wientzek Plage - Robinvale - 68.213 (Switzerland)
- 7. Martin Pfeiffer - Rihanna Forever - 67.723 (Germany)
- 8. Anne Sophie Serre - Vistoso de Massa - 67.149 (France)
- 9. Caroline Hacki - Rigoletto Royal - 65.383 (Switzerland)
- 10. Carla Aeberhard - Delioh von Buchmatt - 65.106 (Switzerland)
- 11. Nicole Hinkelmann - Lucky von Heslegard - 64.064 (Germany)
- 12. Stephanie Croxford - Mr Hyde - 63.298 (Great Britain)
- 13. Roberto Brenna - Fieling T - 62.532 (Italy)
- 14. Alizee Cernin - Douglas - 60.340 (France)
- Estelle Wettstein - West Side Story - DNS (Switzerland)
Grand Prix Kur to Music
Judges: Maknami, Voser, Saleh, Gribbons, Alonso
- 1. Estelle Wettstein - Friedrich der Grosse - 72.850 (Switzerland)
- 2. Morgan Barbançon Mestre - Bolero - 71.940 (France)
- 3. Fie Skarsoe - So Dark - 71.700 (Luxembourg)
- 4. Nicole Favereau - Ginsengue - 70.485 (France)
- 5. Carlos Pinto - Sultao Menezes - 68.360 (Portugal)
- 6. Sylvia Gugler - Wera la Sol - 68.270 (USA)
- 7. Barbara Bertschinger - Rubin Cortes - 67.495 (Switzerland)
- 8. Marine Subileau - Osado - 67.015 (France)
- 9. Corinne Salabam Alt - Lord Sinclair III - 63.475 (Switzerland)