Fritz, Top Seller at 2013 Hanoverian Spring Elite Auction in Verden

Sun, 04/14/2013 - 12:40
Verden Auction News
Fritz :: Photo © Tammo Ernst

The chestnut stallion Fritz (by Farewell II x Londonderry) became the top selling horse at the 2013 Hanoverian Spring Elite Auction in Verden, Germany, on 13 April 2013. A modest collection of 50 horses including brood mares and young sport horses was sold.

The spring elite auctions of the German breed societies did not take the coveted start of the new year. Neither at Munster nor at Verden have the societies been able to achieve knock down prices above 100,000 euro at their best auctions, the elite auctions.

Bred by Annegreth Winkelmann and presented at auction by Henrik Klatte, Fritz sold for 92,000 euro.

The best selling show jumping horse was the mare Penelope PJ (by Perigueux x Calypso II). She had won the Verden Jumping in Freedom championship and now sold for 47,000 euro to Canada.

A couple of horses sold for 42,000 euro: Sie ist Schon U (by Sir Donnerhall I x Metternich) moves to Bavaria and Valencia (by Valentina x Captain Paul I) to Spain. Spanish clients also acquired the 5-year old mare Dancing Donna (by Don Frederico x Weltmeyer) for 39,000 euro.

There was quite a lot of interest in the foal collection, though. The top selling foal was the bay colt Sansibar (by Surprice x Brentano II) which sold for 20,000 euro.  The colt Ferrero (by Ampere x Stedinger) sold for 17,000 euro to Westfalia and Spanish clients paid the same amount for the colt Burberry (by Benicio x De Niro). Two foals were knocked down for 10,000 euro: Livius (by Numero Uno x Contender) and the filly For Eternity (by Furstenball x Donnerhall) which will move to the U.S.A.

The average price for a sport horse at this auction was 22,900 euro, for a foal 6,750 euro.

Photos © Tammo Ernst

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