Outpooring of Outrage Over Disposal Body Northern Hector

Mon, 12/12/2011 - 13:56
Australian Dressage News

An outpooring of outrage has arisen when Australian equestrian publication Cyberhorse published the news that the body of Blas Lago's recently passed away Northern Hector has been disposed off by a pet food processing company.

On Wednesday 7 December Blas Lago Northern Hector collapsed and died of a ruptured aorta in the warm up ring at the 2011 CDI-W Werribee.

By the time the grief stricken Lago composed himself to take care of his loyal equine partner's body, the Werribee show organizers had already carted off the horse's body to the local knackery without Lago's knowledge or consent.

Lago was denied the opportunity to decide his horse's final resting place.

Read the full story on Cyberhorse.

Photo © Franz Venhaus

Related Link
Blas Lago's Northern Hector Died Unexpectedly