Helgstrand on Danish Equestrian Federation's Position on Blood Rule

Mon, 10/31/2011 - 12:24
Danish Dressage News

Ulf Helgstrand, president of the Danish Equestrian Federation, released the following statement concerning Denmark's position on the blood rule.

We have not discussed the issue with our dressage committee in Denmark yet. Personally I have followed the discussion intensively in the media.
I see your point concerning elimination of a whole team for a minor injury for the olympics and WEG.

The big issue is : what is minor and what is major injuries ? I can make a big wound almost without bleeding and a minor wound with a lot of bleeding in my preofession as a surgeon. What if for example a Dutch official eliminates a German and not a Dutch rider etc. on a subjective criteria. What if it is the last rider? Should we wait another 30 minutes before the rider is back in the arena or what?

There are several other issues that have to be solved, and this includes the general opinion in the media.

I am absolutely against just following the general opinion if it is against fair sport, but if we allow mouth bleeding no matter to what extent I am sure it will harm the image of the dressage sport.

To make my personal opinion clear: Blood in the mouth is blood, no matter what and means elimination. Easy to judge and leaving no doubts. Furthermore, but secondary to the best of the sport, it will please the image of dressage.

If the opinion of our technical committe does not agree (with mine), I will let you know before the GA, and of course vote according to that opinion.

Related Links
Germany Has a Change of Heart and Says No to Blood Rule
Xenophon Society Appeals to the German Equestrian Federation on Blood Rule