Conrad Schumacher clinics in Canada and the USA

Fri, 09/24/1999 - 00:00
American Dressage News

The Canadian Equestrian Federation has invited Mr Conrad Schumacher for their 1999 NDC Annual Athlete Development and Coaching Forum in which he will how the basic work for horses and riders links into the advanced work.

On October 2-3 Schumacher will host a clinic at the Cloverdale Agriplex in Cloverdale, BC, and on October 30-31 he will tour to the York Equestrian Centre.

In between, The United States Dressage Federation (USDF) will present its eighth annual National Dressage Symposium featuring Mr.Conrad Schumacher on October 22-24 in Upper Marlboro, Maryland at the Prince George's Equestrian Center. 

Mr. Schumacher is uniquely qualified to give this presentation because he personally has trained students to win 37 gold, silver or bronze medals earned in international competitions, including European Championships, World Championships, and Olympic Games. He coached Sven and Gonnelien Rothenberger to their silver medal team finish and Sven to his individual bronze medal in the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. He has been named as the official trainer to the British team, and has been selected by the USDF to train the American Advanced Young Riders through a series of annual clinics.

Info on the Canadian Clinics at The Equestrian Connection 
Info on the USDF Dressage Symposium on the USDF site

Image copyrighted by Mary Phelps